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Hosting the Ultimate Backyard Cornhole Event: A Complete Guide

Posted by JShort on 28th Feb 2024

Are you looking to host an unforgettable backyard cornhole event? Whether it's a small gathering with friends or a larger tournament, creating the perfect event space is key to ensuring everyone has a fantastic time. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to set up the ultimate cornhole event, from rules and dimensions to scoring and accessories.

1. Rules and Regulations:

Before diving into the setup, it's essential to establish the rules and regulations for your cornhole event. In the world of cornhole there are two initial forms of scoring you will have to decide on. The "Bust" rule or no bust rule.

(In this day and age, the bust rule is falling behind in popularity since avid players and people who keep up with the competitive cornhole scene do not use this rule set. If you are hosting an event or entertaining people who regularly play, it is likely they do not use the bust rule) The bust rule simply means that if you manage to score OVER 21 points, you go back down to 15 and are forced to accurately make throw/shot choices to try and make it to EXACTLY 21 before the other team.  

With that being said, 

In cornhole, scoring is based on where the cornhole bags land on the cornhole board.

  1. In the Hole: When a cornhole bag lands completely inside or is eventually pushed into the hole of the cornhole board, its valued at 3 points. 
  2. On the Board : If a cornhole bag lands on the cornhole board but does not go through the hole, it's considered "on the board" and scores 1 point. Each bag that lands on the board counts as 1 point, regardless of how close it is to the hole.
  3. Cancellation Scoring: Cornhole scoring typically employs cancellation scoring. This means that only one player or team can score points in each round. For example, if Player A scores 3 points by getting a bag in the hole, and Player B scores 1 point with one bag on the board, Player A's score for that round would be 2 points (3 points for the bag in the hole minus 1 points for Player B's bag on the board).
  4. Totaling Scores: After each round, the points are tallied, and the difference between the two players' or teams' scores is calculated. The player or team with the higher score for that round adds the difference to their overall score. The first player or team to reach or exceed a predetermined score (often 21 points) wins the game.

    For example, if an entire "Frame" of cornhole has taken place, and you are left with player A placing (2 bags in the hole, 1 on the board, and 1 on the ground) That player has a total of 7 points. 

    If player B placed (3 bags in the hole and 1 on the ground) that player has a total of 9 points. 

    After cancellation scoring takes place, Player B will score 2 points for the round. 

2. Cornhole Dimensions and Distance:

Properly setting up your cornhole boards is crucial for a successful event. For regulation play, the distance between the front edges of the boards should be 27 feet. Use a tape measure to accurately space out the boards and mark the foul lines to ensure players stand at the correct distance when tossing the cornhole bags.

3. Cornhole Accessories:

Enhance the playing experience by providing essential cornhole accessories. Ensure each set of boards is equipped with a set of regulation cornhole bags, typically made of durable duck cloth or canvas filled plastic pellets. Consider adding accessories like scorekeepers, drink holders, or LED lights to amp up the fun and convenience factor for players and spectators alike.

4. Creating the Perfect Event Space:

Set the stage for an unforgettable cornhole event by creating a welcoming and comfortable space for your guests. Arrange seating areas for spectators to cheer on the players and provide shade or shelter from the elements if playing outdoors. Consider decorating the area with themed décor or personalized touches to add to the festive atmosphere.