Front Feet Bumpers for Cornhole Boards
Protect your cornhole investment with our Front Feet Bumpers. Designed to elevate the front corners of your boards, these rubber feet prevent direct ground contact, minimizing wear and tear. By reducing board movement during play, they ensure a consistent and enjoyable gaming experience.
Key Features:
Enhanced Protection: Elevates the front of the board to prevent abrasion to the wood due to ground contact.
Improved Stability: Helps in preventing board slide, keeping your boards steady during intense gameplay.
Durable Material: Made from high-quality rubber to withstand regular use and outdoor conditions.
Easy Installation: Comes with four bumpers that can be easily attached to the front corners of each board.
Order Yours Today:
Enhance the longevity and performance of your cornhole boards with our Front Feet Bumpers. Order now to enjoy a more stable and protected gameplay experience.
18 Reviews
Front Feet Bumpers are Solidly attached and will last for years
American pride in these well-attached extras. I recommend them Front Feet Bumpers are Solidly attached and will last for years
Front feet bumpers
I had the small round foot bumpers from West Georgia corn hole and they were good. These are better though because they are longer so they cover more surface area. I used them on the legs as well. I mounted them on the legs so that they hang off the the inside side edge of the legs so that they don’t rub on the frame when I close the legs. They work great and protect the legs. The legs on my boards are only 3/4” thick so If they could make these just a bit thinner they would be great for the leg application.
Front Feet bumpers
Great idea to preserve the front board and give it stability.
Front feet bumpers
Worked great and delivered fast.
5 stars
Helps keep my board in place so it’s definitely worth it
Front Feet Bumpers
Perfect for setup on my concrete driveway!
Must have !
The front feet bumpers are a must have! They keep the boards off the ground and grip the surface to keep the board in place
Front feet bumper review
Nice add on to keep the front of the boards off the grass, just wish the could help me level the front of the boards due to my yard no flat
Smart Protection
Keeps my boards off the ground. Love em
Front bumpers
Who wants to mess up that beautiful finish on their boards?? Not this guy. We play on the driveway a lot and I've seen what that does to other boards. This was well worth it
Worth every penny
Boards are quieter and helps them stay up! Especially on cement!
Good Protection
Good protection for your new boards. We decided to add this extra protection for the front of our new boards since we play on concrete often. A good upgrade.
simple, yet effective...worth the money
We had a backyard cornhole court made of pavers and these feet (along with the rhino-lined legs) help protect the boards and help minimize board movement. Our WGC custom boards are beautiful and the thought of scraping the paint job on the front edge of the boards bothered me, so we added the front feet to our order, and we're very happy with their functionality. Simply, yet quite effective. The paint job on the front edge is well-protected. Worth the money.
Grip and Traction
Great addon if you play on cement surfaces. Adds traction and grip to the feet.
great addiction
We typically set our boards up on hard surfaces (road, paver sidewalks, etc) so the combo of the rhino lined legs and front bumpers is worth every penny to protect your beautiful new boards from wear and tear.
Excellent option
The front feet bumpers help keep the boards in place and level them out. Perfect little addition and customization.
A must have accessory for hard playing surfaces
Boards have a tendency to move across solid surfaces, especially when they're not level. These bumpers eliminate that entirely. Great add on.